City Issues
Content updates in process
Our Safety
If we are to thrive and move effectively through difficult challenges, then it Is important that we have a safe and secure community. Additionally, potential employers and businesses are more likely to locate in areas offering a good quality of life.
The Economy

Government's job is to provide a community that attracts businesses. I believe that business is the main driving factor behind creating jobs and economic growth. There should be a strong effort to create a favorable environment for business owners and entrepreneurs to do business in Vancouver as well as contacting potential businesses and pointing out the features of the community including parks, education, leisure time activities, and quality of life in general.
Our Neighborhoods
I believe Vancouver’s neighborhoods are the heart of the community. Our 68 officially recognized associations cover approximately 95% of the city. Neighborhood associations advocate for livability issues for our diverse population. Whether they involve young people, veterans, elderly, retirees or families, a neighborhood association is made up of volunteers. We must support our neighborhood associations.
We must plan for the future and protect what we have now. I authored more than $250,000 in Community Development Block grants, Neighborhood Action Plan grants and matching grants for sidewalks, traffic calming, bike routes, and traffic management issues. These grants provided safe, accessible and effective travel options for our residents and businesses. I am committed to a Vancouver that is safe for all Vancouverites.
Parks, Trails, and Trees
I believe it is our responsibility to care for and enhance our natural resources, such as the tree canopy, open spaces and wildlife habitat. This also protects and improves our air and water quality. These are issues that are extremely important to our citizens.